Privacy Policy for the “Ksenia SecureWeb” App The company Ksenia Security Spa, with registered office…
Quality policy
Company Ksenia Security intends to ensure full customer satisfaction and the continuous improvement of its management and operational efficiency, in the belief that this is an indispensable prerequisite for affirmation and success on the market, as regularly satisfying the requirements and addressing future needs and expectations represents a challenge for Ksenia in an increasingly dynamic and complex context.
Ksenia Security has strategic objectives:
- the continuous improvement of products / services and production processes,
- identifying actions to address the risks and opportunities that can affect customer satisfaction
- the progressive reduction or elimination of factors that negatively affect company results,
- compliance with rules, laws, provisions.
- the growth and professional capacity of the staff which is considered a primary business asset.
For this purpose, a QMS is applied (built as a risk management) in compliance with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard, and the Quality Manager is given the authority to take care of its definition, application and updating, with the collaboration of all company functions.
In particular, the primary objectives of the Management in carrying out the policy are:
- customers: careful and correct interpretation of requests, satisfaction of needs and deliveries, quantified evaluation of customer satisfaction;
- design: continuous adaptation of company capabilities to market needs, reduction of errors, deficiencies and other unwanted factors, compliance with scheduled times, compliance with mandatory requirements;
- suppliers: incisiveness in the selection and evaluation of their offers;
- production process: surveillance and improvement of productivity as a function of competitiveness;
- safety: compliance with current legislation;
- personnel: enhancement of human resources through continuous training.
Short and medium-term objectives are defined annually by the Management through “Quality Improvement Programs PMQ“, On a concrete and quantified basis so as to be able to evaluate the results.
The Chief Executive Officer, in his proactive role, is responsible for ensuring and supporting the implementation of this policy.
To this end, he promotes the necessary awareness-raising and training initiatives.
Each operational department manager is responsible for the effective application of the QMS and the achievement of the established objectives within the scope of his / her competences. Any problem that cannot be solved at the level of the specific function must be reported to the Management.
All staff are called upon to make their own contribution to the implementation of this policy, which is of fundamental importance for the affirmation of the Company.
The implementation and effectiveness of the QMS and PMQs, in relation to this Policy, are systematically verified by the Management, also with the performance of annual Management Reviews.